Blake's In Space!

🔆 Futurism: a solarpunk gemlog about the future

💻 Contribute to Git repos without an account

🌐 Domains I own, and what they're used for

📻 All about radio

🦔 Hedgedoc archive

Documentation & Reference Sites

US Declaration of Independence

US Constitution

Wikipedia (Gemipedia)


Linux manpages

This seems to include only basic system utilities.
I anticipate a better version of this could be made and served locally at some point.

Vim manual

Search engine

OpenBSD package search

Specifications (Gemini, Matrix, JSON, and more)

Reference sites I've yet to find

Other cool Gemini sites


gmEditor 2+ — a Gemini capsule editor, using Titan

This is the new version of the script below. It's the one I'm now using; the last one broke with a GmCapsule update. It also has more features: new in 2.0 are copying, renaming, directory listing, and a documentation page. I added this with this new script, and I've also been using it to write on Futurism. I think that's pretty cool.

Titan upload script (gmEditor 1.0)


Themepacks spec

Contact me


Primary XMPP:

Backup XMPP:

Signal username: @bleonard.252



🗺️ A crappy world map

🚰 Gemtext Kitchen Sink

🚰 Markdown Kitchen Sink

An example org-mode file from the internet


It took me forever to learn but the icon Lagrange shows for my site is 🙗 U+1F657 TURNED SOUTH EAST POINTING LEAF.

The original Gemtext version of this page can be accessed with a Gemini client: gemini://

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Original URL
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Proxied by
A modified version of kineto

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